Mike's blog about random software stuff

About Mike

Hi! I am Mike Salmela, a software developer currently living in Nokia, working at Tampere (although mostly remotely from my home). In this blog I’ll be writing about pretty much anything software development related that I’ve been learning or using.

I’ve been writing some blog posts about my hobby projects online with a not-so-steady pace of one or two posts a year. I’m not really promoting my blog anywhere (at least at the moment of writing), so I’m not quite sure how you ended up here, but welcome anyways!

I started my programming career with Jolla in 2019, developing the Sailfish OS, a Linux based mobile operating system. After a few years there I’ve been working as a software consultant, mostly working on Linux and IoT devices. Based on that background, you’ll be most likely to see posts here related to Linux, Yocto and programming languages in general.

Why am I writing a blog?

I’m writing this blog mostly just for myself with the goal of learning more.

When I write about the new things that I’ve just learned, I truly need to understand what I’m doing. It’s too easy to copy a solution online and paste it to your project but if you need to write about it and explain what’s happening in your program, you’re forced to understand it too. So, by writing about the software I’ve developed, I am forcing myself to learn even more than just by writing the programs.

Another thing I’m hoping to improve with this is my writing skills in general. That has never been one of my strong points. I usually learn best by doing (who doesn’t?), so I guess if I write enough of these little blogs of mine, I’ll eventually get better in writing too!

If you wish to message me, feel free to use my PGP key. My email is <firstname>.<lastname>@iki.fi